Microwave, millimeter wave and terahertz noise sources are mainly employed to generate noise signals, and they are the core components of noise figure measurement system. This paper has summarized the development of noise sources at home and abroad in recent years. The exiting noise sources are divided into five categories: based on digital and analog circuit technologies, based on semiconductor diode technology, based on field effect transistor technology, based on black body and heater circuit technologies, based on photoelectric fusion technology. The main technical characteristics of these five types of noise sources are analyzed. The research status of different noise sources are compared, and the application prospects and development trends are outlined.
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唐靖超,姜万顺,邓建钦,朱伟峰,石先宝,贾定宏,王沫,张胜洲,梁晓林,宋青娥.微波毫米波与太赫兹噪声源发展现状[J]. Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology ,2024,22(2):168~175